123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

Welcome to my guestbook, i hope you're having fun
if you fill in your website i will 100% check it out


7:45pm 05-06-2024

your favourite poem:

A London Thoroughfare. 2 A.M.
this is literally the coolest thing I've ever seen I absolutely have to make my own website now!! maybe (definitely) should wait until after exams,,,, maths/philosophy a levels are not for the weak
im begging my brain to remember this corner of the internet so I can visit again, but for now, goodbye
Replied on: 9:27pm 05-08-2024

hello rhianna,

i'm glad that my humble website made you want to build your own site. website creation is so fun, i can't wait to see what yours would look like! but before that, good luck on your a-levels—i'm currently in the same situation as you haha

7:36pm 04-27-2024

your website:


if you came from the baudelaire page, tell me about the poem(s) you liked:

i haven't read the ones from your page yet but i wanted to say that my favourite is " Le rêve d'un curieux " ! i used it for a book report thing once and yeah i really like it
your site is so cool like holy shit !!!!!
love the aesthetic and the animations too wowie
Replied on: 9:32pm 04-27-2024

hi cosmos,
thank you for leaving a message! i went and read "Le Rêve d’un curieux" and you're right, it's great... the comparison to a child in front of the curtains at a show is just excellent. i'm definitely adding this one to my page

10:06am 04-19-2024

your website:

You have made a wonderful corner on the internet for yourself here. This place lives and breathes passion and creativity. I enjoyed reading your poetry and really dig your art style. I like the dreamy, mysterious vibe a lot of your work has. I added your button to my cool sites corner, have a good day!
Replied on: 4:47pm 04-19-2024

Dman, thank you for this lovely message. I'm super honoured to be featured on your list of cool sites <3

12:27am 04-08-2024

your website:

i really love your website! i came from the muse ariadne members page bc i wanted to get to know my fellow members, and i think your words are remarkably beautiful! you are very skilled and you do a good job of conveying ephemeral feelings.
Replied on: 4:11pm 04-09-2024

tysm for your kind words muse adriane is a wonderful community & i discovered a lot of cool people that way as well hehe

3:36pm 04-07-2024

your website:

Your website is gorgeous I'm having so much fun clicking around and finding hidden gems and pages (and cracking passwords) Love your scratchbook page, it's so lovely~ I think it's one of my favorites! J'espère que ton spectacle s'est bien passé โ‹†๐™šโ‚ŠหšโŠนโ™ก
Replied on: 4:10pm 04-09-2024

thanks for your lovely message! it makes me so happy to see people discovering the hidden/cryptic stuff, keep clicking aroung hehe aussi le spectacle fut un grand succès merci <33

11:15pm 04-05-2024

your website:

Dear Sirui,

I hope you're well. I really like your writing on the muse page, and your entire site is so fun to explore! I look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you make in the future :-)

Yours truly,
Replied on: 5:06pm 04-09-2024

Thank you dear Astrophel! mwah <3

12:00am 04-04-2024

your website:

aghhh! I love this place so much. I really love your art page...so nice to look at. I wanted to mention my favorite, but it's difficult to choose one. Maybe The Boatman. I hope you're doing well ^_^
Replied on: 6:14pm 04-04-2024

hi stella & thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed my little website, and The Boatman is definitely one of my fave pieces I've painted. have a nice day too <3

10:46pm 03-18-2024

your website:

your website is a true delight to explore - cutely crafted and very informative. thank you for sharing your thoughts and flair with us. have a nice day.
( ´ ∀ `)ใƒŽ๏ฝž โ™ก
Replied on: 6:15pm 04-04-2024

thank you for the lovely message, your carrd is adorable

11:24pm 03-06-2024
shirui (suri)
hi omg! my name is shirui, though I go by suri since that's easier to pronounce for most people. Xalli thought it was cool that our names were so similar and I agree! i like loquats so I named my new cat pipa (as in loquat).
Replied on: 10:00pm 03-10-2024

omg hello name (almost)twin!! pipa is an excellent name for a cat <3

9:45pm 03-05-2024

your website:

Your site is absolutely on point. I love all the little details, like how you denote years & months on your paintings page. Really does feel like a museum!
11:20pm 02-24-2024
9:37pm 02-15-2024
love love your website, the vibes are immaculate